Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Who needs sleep?!

Ciao a Tutti!

It's official. I'm just not going to get sleep anymore until I get to Italia.  But hey, who needs sleep when you can just live off excitement?! I leave for Florence in 5 days, let me repeat that, FIVE DAYS! I just can't even believe it's finally happening.  I have been planning this since Spring of last year, and to see it actually panning out is blowing my mind a little bit.

I think it really started to hit me that I was leaving when I went down to Athens this past weekend and saw all of my friends in the full swing of things.  Normally I'm right there with them, but this weekend I was just kind of floating around haha. Let me tell ya, it was nice not having to stress about any school work yet, but at the same time, I have something completely different coming my way.

Probably one of the main reasons I am up this morning at 5:30 a.m. making this blog (pretty good work for 5:30 eh?), is because the packing began last night.  While I have been interning at WNC Magazine, I have been taking my lunch breaks to read up on Florentine weather, fashion, customs, travel, etc., and   I have compiled the packing list of all packing lists.  Yes, I dare say it is a work of art people.  It's got everything on there from a loofah to a lint roller.  I will definitely be attaching it so everyone can see it in all its glory.

This is just the beginning people.  I'm sure there will be more posts to come despite me even stepping out of Buncombe County yet, but you can never read too much about a trip of a lifetime!


  1. Im so excited to hear about your Travels!!!

  2. WooHoo Mason! Have a wonderful time! Can't wait to hear all about your adventures!
